BetaRam Heavy
duty single cut master die sets have been our pride and
joy from the beginning. There simply
is no better die set built anywhere
by anyone!
BetaRam Heavy
duty single cut die sets
are specifically designed
for any tube cutoff application.
These die sets operate
in machines built by BetaRam,
Hill Engineering, Yoder,
Oto Mills, T &H Lemont, Mori Machinery, Kusakabe, MTM, Rafter, Thermatool and others.
BetaRam single
cut master die sets are
built using toleranced
detail drawings in order
to insure that all of the
BetaRam follow-up replacement parts fit according to design.
BetaRam maintains a very active die
set repare service where the user sends a master die set to
BetaRam for inspection. Repairs are quoted as identified at
inspection and the user chooses
to repair or return the die set.
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PO Box 334
Troy, MI 48099 Phone: +1
248 853 0446 FAX: +1
248 853 6353